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A Prayer for World Wildlife Day

Masterful Creator, Giver of Life—Many of us feel closer to you when standing in the spaces where your creation is more keenly preserved. We retreat to mountaintops to appreciate the expansiveness and wonders of your forests. We walk along oceans and appreciate the rhythms of the sea. We are in awe when we find, in its natural habitat, a creature we haven’t seen before. And in exploring your creation, we see patterns and cycles at play. We are continually discovering and learning about the natural world, and thus, we are learning about you. You have given us this wonderful gift: land, sea and sky, plants, animals and ecosystems. You have called us to care for, to be stewards of, this bountiful gift. Yet, we don’t always live into that calling. Loss of biodiversity and natural habitats, increased pollutants, and uncompassionate practices threaten the health of this planet and its creatures. We express our regret; but we also express gratitude for those who commit their time, energy, or life’s work to sustaining the earth. God, we pray that we may grow as better stewards of your creation. In your name we pray. Amen.
